Saturday, June 23, 2007

Republican-Owned Media Picks Democratic Candidate

Having watched the two Democratic debates, I am appalled at the differences in time allotted the so-called first tier candidates vs the second tier. But even among the first tier candidates, Hillary is getting far more time than Edwards or Obama and then the media proclaims her "commanding presence". And given that the media owns the message and the Republicans own the media, it's fair to say that this is not happening by accident. Even the NY Times has featured first page articles slyly insinuating negative qualities about both Edwards and Obama on a regular basis. The Republicans are clearly salivating to have Hillary as the nominee.

The Republicans did everything they could to bring down the Clinton presidency (read "Blinded by the Right" by David Brock, a former member of the inner circle who also put Thomas on the court). Would it not be ten times worse with Hillary as president? Can't you just imagine her in the middle of growing tensions with China or Iran; suddenly all over the front pages is splattered news of Bill caught with the latest bimbo beauty - with 24/7 coverage on the mainstream media. Investigations would be started regarding Hillary's inappropriate use of the FBI to find out what her husband is up to. The presidency is weakened, mired in scandal once again.

Meanwhile, the Republicans will declare that the Democrats have lost the war in Iraq because the president has been too distracted by her personal problems.

And while it's true the Republicans will try to bring down any Democratic president, and the war in Iraq is positioned to make it easy; nevertheless, the public is so primed to believe the worst about Hillary and Bill - do we have to make it even easier for the Republicans to destroy their faith in a Democratic president?

You couldn't have imagined 6 years ago that the US would have betrayed all that we have stood for by abandoning Habeus Corpus, sanctioning terror, allowing Katrina, using the Patriot Act to gerrymander 8 new Republican Texas seats in Congress, spying on US citizens, blowing a CIA agent's cover to discredit a prominent war critic, stacking the Supreme Court with right-wing radicals, and politicizing all the departments and agencies within the legislative branch (unfortunately this list is almost endless).

Democrats, who I believe are basically a decent lot, suffer from a lack of imagination about Republicans - we don't want to believe that fellow Americans are capable of such blatant acts of deceit, dishonor, and destruction of our democracy in their pursuit of wealth, idealogy, and power.

But if we don't wake up, it's going to get a lot worse.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree that the media are controlling the election! - wackoVermonter

Anonymous said...

Great blog! I'm going to recommend it to all my friends.

Emily Duffy said...

Welcome to the Blogsphere Kathy! It's great to have your help fighting the good fight over the "free" airwaves. Let's win our country back!

bass player said...

Just chiming in with a welcome note, Kathy! It's great that your views will see a wider circulation. I'll be following your rise to fame. -MM